Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Kindergarten Assessment

Have you ever felt so embarrassed that you just want to hide?  This happened to me last week when I took Jace down to Naples Elementary for his Kindergarten Assessment with his teach Mrs. Perry.  Jace was so excited to see his teacher and his class room.  We go in and his teacher gets started. It starts out OK then it just goes from bad to worse!!hahaha  His teacher laid in front of him the alphabet in random order and asked him to tell her what the letter were.  So Jace just starts randomly naming letters! A,B,R,X,Y,P....... I don't think he got one right!  Than he was asked to say the sounds and every letter to him made the H and P sound!  Than he was asked to count as high as he could. So he starts 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,18,20,400,75,80.......Then he was asked some rhyming questions and oh my heck!!!  Lets just say that went about as good! So much for 2 years of preschool!  I think he was really nervous and just being himself.  The teacher was like its OK, they forget over the summer and it will come back.  I guess I should have worked with him more this summer.  It was just so darn funny to listen to him. He is a great B-ser! I think I'm in big trouble!!hahaha Jace is already to start school! We are hoping to have a wonderful year with a wonderful teacher!! 


  1. That is totally something Bryson would do too!! I hear ya on working with them better i always feel super guilty about not working enough with my boys but its hard they are so wild and into everything it just takes all i have to get through all the normal day stuff.. Let alone working on ABC's and 123's.. :).. your an awesome mom though! Can't believe he is in kindergarten!! He's such a cutie
