Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Never To Old To Play

<>    Jace and Cade love to go to the park to play. There favorite park is the Naples park.  It has so many fun things to do.  They also love it when Uncle Jared and Aunt Aimee come along.  Uncle Jared chases them and gets right down on there level to play.  It is the funniest thing to watch.  Jace kept giving wedgies so Jared put him upside down on the fence post.  That's whats going on in the picture above.  We were laughing so hard!!  After a min. or so he went and got him down.  Jace just loves his Uncle Jared even though it gets rough sometimes!!!
 My nephew Easton.  He likes to eat the grass and then choke so he cant get out of his stroller to much!!!hahaha
 Cade loves to swing. It makes me so sick to watch them so Aunt Aimee was nice enough to push him!!
 Jared and Aimee!!! Its always a blast to hang out with them!!!
Ok so Jared is always complaining how Aimee beats him up.  I know funny right!!!hahaha  Aimee is just a small little thing.  I hear this story all the time.  Well at the park today I got to witness first hand how true it is!!!!  Aimee just jump on Jared and wrapped her legs around him and down he went.  It was the funniest thing I have ever seen.  Then she put him in a head lock.  All I have to say is that I will never mess with Aimee!!!
Aimee kicking Jared's butt!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is great! I am glad you all are good friends. Sure makes family life enjoyable.
    love ya
